Welcome to Fernview Nurseries
With over 25 years experience, the plants you receive have been propagated and grown on-site and our purpose designed packaging system will ensure that your goods reach you in the best condition.
We are accredited to ship to every region of Australia (including Tasmania & Western Australia).
Our qualified staff are always happy to assist with any enquiries (03) 5968 8166
Plants featured this month
Chrysocephalum apiculatum
$3.20 inc.GSTPandorea Lady Di
$3.20 inc.GSTMesembryanthemum Crystallinum Dwarf Pink
$2.90 inc.GSTLauris nobilis – Bay Leaf
$3.20 inc.GSTMyoporum parvifolium fine leaf 25 Pack
$77.50 inc.GSTWestringia fruticosa alba 25 PAck
$77.50 inc.GSTLiriope evergreen giant
$3.40 inc.GSTViburnum odoratissimum 25 Pack
$80.00 inc.GSTMesembryanthemum Crystallinum Pink
$2.90 inc.GSTViburnum odoratissimum
$3.30 inc.GSTTrachelospermum asiaticum
$3.20 inc.GSTSenecio Serpens
$3.20 inc.GSTPopular Plants
Buxus microphylla japonica
$3.20 inc.GSTPhotinia robusta
$3.50 inc.GSTLavandula intermedia Grosso
$3.20 inc.GSTBuxus microphylla Faulkner
$3.20 inc.GSTLigustrum undulatum
$3.20 inc.GSTLarger Area to Fill?
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